Screening for Cardiac Disease

Although you may feel well certain conditions of the heart are inherited and a family history of heart problems, high cholesterol or heart valve disease may put you at risk.  Finding and treating these problems early, can modify that risk to prevent future trouble.    Also knowing that your heart is okay will offer reassurance and allow you to get on with the things you want to do without concern.  

If you are worried about the health of your heart and wish to seek advice from a specialist, we are happy to see you at Wiltshire Cardiology to offer our opinion and arrange tests if required. 

Will my health insurance provider pay for screening?

If you have a referral from your GP because of a known inherited condition of the heart in your family such as cardiomyopathy (Disorders of the muscle of the heart) then your insurance company may cover the costs, but please check.

If you are referring yourself without a GP letter then you will have to pay for this. 

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